Lily Mae’s in Wake Forest

Spring is here and it’s time to stop layering up in your one big winter coat. It’s time for a fashion overhaul and let’s face it - who doesn’t love to go shopping?

Lily Mae’s in Wake Forest is one of my go-tos when I’m trying to spruce up my wardrobe. Cute shoes? Check. Unique accessories? Check. Trendy pieces and fashion-forward outfits? Double check.

I love how they advertise outfit suggestions on Facebook. They show what they would pair together and then a picture of what it all looks like worn. Some of them I would have never paired together but when you see someone actually wearing it - you’re impressed and instantly want to buy the entire outfit.

SHOES! If you know me, you know I love shoes. I once took a trip and had one entire suitcase just for all of the shoes I purchased while away. That was a fun game of tetris trying to put it all together for the trip home but worth it because… shoes! 

Friends also know that jewelry is a big part of my wardrobe. A simple outfit can be transformed into something fabulous if you accessorize correctly. Necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are a great way to spruce up an outfit that may otherwise be on the drab side. Lily Mae’s has accessories galore!

I love that Lily Mae’s is locally owned. I love supporting a boutique where I know the proceeds are going to support one of our own. I also like that every time I head there to shop - there are new pieces! Each trip is a new adventure in finding my new stylized wardrobe pieces. They do a great job of introducing new merchandise regularly. 

Lily Mae’s also offers children’s clothing. It’s a great place to take the kids or grandkids as they grow out of their current collection of clothes. Like everything else in Lily Mae’s, the kid’s line is adorable!

I highly recommend you take a shopping trip to Lily Mae’s in Wake Forest but - if you’re a little on the busy side - then you have to check out their website: Definitely follow them on Facebook for style ideas and sneak peaks of their newest lines. I hope you’ll love heading to Lily Mae’s as much as I do and that you’ll show them A Little Local Love!

* All photos property of Lily Mae’s


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