The City of Raleigh Museum

If you’re new to Raleigh, or you’ve lived here forever, it’s a wonderful thing to know the history of the city. For example, did you know that April is Raleigh History Month? Thankfully, we have the City of Raleigh Museum where we can visit, learn, shop, and have some fun!

The City of Raleigh Museum has all kinds of neat objects and artifacts! All sorts of keepsakes and memorabilia from decades and centuries past. Just check out some of these!

They also have pictures galore! Look what they had to say about this one! “On March 27, 1948, a worker discovered a fire broke out of the Capital Coco-Cola Plant at 7:40 am. Despite all three companies of firefighters attending the fire, the blaze was still overwhelming due to the lack of manpower and resources which resulted in $300,000 worth of damage, (that's $3,286,793 worth of damage in today's money!). The plant was located at 511-515 W Morgan Street and moved after the fire occurred.”

The Museum has fun events too! They have Game Night at the Museum, a Watercolor & Wine Workshop, and even History After Dark nights! So many fun events to take the family or friends along for a unique experience!

You should follow the City of Raleigh Museum on social media. They share “This Day in History” posts with cool facts about our lovely area of North Carolina. Just check out some of the unique things you could learn while following them: 

The museum has so many neat exhibits, a cute gift shop, and so much history about our great city! It is definitely worth visiting! Take your family and friends along with you and go show The City of Raleigh Museum a Little Local Love

* All Photos Property of The City of Raleigh Museum


North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh


Academy Street Bistro in Cary